During tenant turns is when a handy owner may want to perform some of the work themselves but you may want to weigh the value of your time and the cost of the potential extra property review (see below) against any money you may save.
Part of our service to you is to manage the maintenance and relieve you of the burden of being a part time general contractor. We often find that we can get work done significantly faster than when an owner does it themselves and every day a property is vacant is lost income.
Here are some important points to consider:
- Only owners that are licensed and insured contractors are able to perform work when a tenant is living in the property.
- If you have favorite vendors you would like us to use we can manage that for you since we are always looking for great vendors. Provide us their contact info and we can work with them directly. We will check their license and insurance as outlined on our
Vendor page.
- Once the work of an owner or their contractor is completed, please send us pictures of all completed work and we will verify that the job is correct and complies with our
Property Standards and Cleaning Checklist. Without pictures since we have a duty to the tenants to provide a safe and clean home, a property review will be necessary. The property review will be at the owner's expense and is $125. If we find that work is not completed correctly, we will have our maintenance techs or vendors complete the work to our standards and bill appropriately.
- Owners are not to direct or supervise our maintenance techs or outside vendors, or be at the property at time of service. This slows down the time allowed at each property and results in higher labor expenses.
- Cleaning done by owners must be completed according to the
Property Standards and Cleaning Checklist. There is a pre-move in property review once a potential tenant has been approved. Any cleaning needed at that time will not be given the option of owner completion, due to time constraints.
- Carpet cleaning needs to be done by a company with a truck mounted cleaning system. If you as an owner would like to hire the vendor yourself you will need to notify the Coordinator prior to the date of completion and provide a receipt for our files.
- If you are going to be repainting the interior, please check with your pod leader for preferred colors.
- If you will be painting anything on the outside or altering the exterior do not forget to check with your HOA if you have one.