What and Why

Surevestor is a general liability insurance product that Holland Properties, Inc. signs property owners up for when they are unable to provide proof of liability insurance for their managed property with Holland Properties, Inc. listed as additional insured as required by the management agreement.

You may be wondering why property managers care that you have this coverage and there is lots of
information available online with a simple google search. Most insurance agents do not understand this requirement so feel free to consult with your attorney. If you own your property in the name of a Trust or LLC common practice is to add that entity as named insured as well. While we are not insurance agents or attorneys here is a brief example of why this coverage is important.

Another piece of the Insurance Puzzle

man changing air filter

In the unfortunate event that a tenant, vendor, guest, or anyone else has reason to file a lawsuit related to your property and the primary cause is attributed more to the property or the property owner your insurance company would typically be the primary defendant in the case. It is likely that your property manager, LLC and/or Trust would also be named as co-defendants given the standard legal process.

Your insurance company would defend you personally but without the required coverage, the property manager’s insurance would have to defend them or pay any claims on their behalf. Subsequently, your property manager’s insurance company would pursue you to recover their costs. Your Trust or LLC may not be covered at all exposing you to even further financial risk.

This requirement is for your protection so you do not inadvertantly end up incurring the cost of defending your managment company. This situation can be easily avoided by having the necessary coverage in place.

It is worth noting that Holland Properties’ insurance policy provides reverse coverage to protect the property owner in case we become the primary defendant in a lawsuit and you as the property owner are also named in the suit.

Communication about the policy

Holland Properties, Inc. has sent communication about this general liability policy on multiple occasions:

  • During 2023 an audit of insurance records on file with communication requesting it from property owners
  • April 27 and May 16 2024 emails we sent to any clients that would be signed up for Surevestor using MailChimp to track open rates which were near 80%. If they did not wish to be enrolled they could submit their insurance instead.
  • Introduction of the program mid 2024 in the owner statement email

You can find a copy of the policy at this link:

Link coming soon!

FAQs from Surevestor

What does “Additional Insured” mean?

The Additional Insured verbiage on a homeowner’s policy simply means that the coverage is extended not only to the owner of the property but also to the listed agent or Management Company.

Some insurance agents and property managers will confuse “Additional Insured” with “Additional Interest”.  They sound similar but are vastly different.  See below.
Another common misconception is that the Additional Insured verbiage will provide the property management firm with a financial interest in the property.  Unlike a mortgage holder, the property management company does not have, or want, a financial interest in the property but nevertheless has a very insurable interest from a premises liability standpoint such as personal injury on the premises.

Why should I list my Property Manager as Additional Insured on my Insurance Policy?

The management company does not hold title to your rental property and may not be able to get general liability insurance on a property that they don’t own. When your management company is listed as “Additional Insured” if a lawsuit is filed by the tenant, the insurance company will defend both you and your management company.

What is the benefit to me to list my management company as Additional Insured?

From the owner’s standpoint, listing the Property Manager as an Additional Insured helps make the claims or litigation process easier. When the policy extends to both parties, they are able to present a unified defense, with one insurance company representing both. It not only streamlines the process but reduces costs all around.

Without an Additional Insured endorsement, the Property Manager would have to cover any expenses up front and then seek reimbursement from the property owner directly under their indemnification clause – a much more time-consuming and costly process that could even lead to the PM's insurance company suing the owner.

What is the difference between “Additional Insured” and “Additional Interest”

Some insurance companies will offer to add the Property Manager as an addition interest, which is not the same as an additional insured. Additional interest essentially means they will notify the Property Manager of policy renewals, cancellations, or changes in coverage. ‘Additional Insured’ is someone who receives coverage similar to the named insured and can receive liability coverage. 

Doesn’t my management company have their own insurance?

The Property Manager typically does carry E&O Insurance and General Liability insurance, but this generally only offers protection from claims that are a result from negligence by the Property Manager.

It typically does not offer any protection against lawsuits concerning theft or burglary, or injuries that occur on the property.

My Insurance Company won’t list my management company as Additional Insured on my dwelling policy only “Additional Interest”,  what do I do?

There are very few insurance companies that will not list the property management company as additional insured. This is just an insurance company policy.  Your management company certainly does have an insurable interest.

Will my insurance company charge me to list my management company as “Additional Insured”?

Some insurance companies do charge a small amount to add a Property Manager as an additional insured. At the same time, many insurance companies give a discount if your property is professionally managed. Check with your agent.

In Summary
Because the property managers’s E&O insurance and general liability do not protect aga
inst claims concerning the property itself, Managers are left vulnerable to claims and lawsuits arising directly from the home so management agreements require owners to list the management company as additional insured on the owners dwelling policy.

Property Management firms carry General Liability Insurance as well as Professional Liability insurance which will offer protection from a financial loss caused by a mistake or wrongful act by the Management Firm.  However, these policies don’t provide protection against matters concerning the home itself.  This leaves the property manager vulnerable to claims regarding someone injuring themselves at the property, burglary, fire, water leaks, etc.   When coverage is effectively extended to the Property Manager through the Additional Insured endorsement, the problem is solved.

Without the Additional Insured endorsement, the management company could be left to fend for itself and then seek reimbursement from the owner directly for any losses under the indemnification clause.  Needless to say, this alternative would be exponentially more expensive and time consuming for all.

What is the cost and can I opt out?

Holland Properties, Inc. has partnered with Surevestor to provide this missing coverage on your behalf for $15/month per unit. This policy will protect you and Holland Properties, Inc. from covered claims that arise at the property in which the landlord and property manager might be listed in a lawsuit of up to $1,000,000. This coverage DOES NOT replace your property insurance policy.

You may opt-out of the master general liability policy at any time by asking your insurance company to email a copy of your landlord property insurance with minimum coverage of $300,000 that lists

Holland Properties, Inc.

5295 NE Elam Young Pkwy Suite 110

Hillsboro OR 97124

as additional insured.

If you opt-out by providing your insurance policy, the change will take effect in the next billing cycle.

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The Frequently Asked Questions page to find out more about other questions you may have regarding service.

Or the Standards and Cleaning  page to make sure you know what needs to get done while repairing your property for rent.

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